Making soil health gains with your Prevent Plant acres

By Kent Solberg, Senior Technical Advisor & Jonathan Kilpatrick, Farmer Education Director Recent rainfall events have prevented farms from completing corn and soybean planting. Decisions made in the next few days can have impacts not only for this cropping season, but for years to come. Some farmers are thinking about either short-season corn or soybeans,…

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Change is Good

By Lucinda Winter • Executive Director One of the things I like about working at SFA is the number of informal conversations that we as staff have with our members, often through email and when returning voicemails. So it was no surprise that I heard from several members after we launched our online SFA Bulletin…

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Holistic Weed Management Workshop

Come join SFA’s Specialty Crop Lead Dan Zimmerli of Cedar Crate Farm, a mixed vegetable operation in Waldorf, MN, for a workshop on holistic weed management. Cedar Crate Farm produces over 70 varieties of vegetables available at farmers market, CSA, and through wholesale partners. The free event will be held on Monday, June 24, from 1:00-4:00 PM. Dan…

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Prescribed Goat Grazing for Savanna Restoration

On Monday, June 24 from 4:00-7:30 p.m., graziers, land managers, and interested members of the public are invited to Lebanon Hills Regional Park in Eagan to take a look at the techniques and considerations for using goats to control buckthorn. “For those of you thinking about bringing small ruminants into your vegetation management work, this…

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