Support farmers like Kate, Amy, and Dayle

This Give to the Max season, our goal is to raise $15,000 for our on-farm consulting work. Community leaders have generously posted a $5,000 matching grant! Can you help us meet it? Give here!

What’s an on-farm consult?

Upon request, one or two of our farmer consultants spend several hours walking your farm to get the literal lay of the land, discussing your goals, and making a plan with you to accomplish them. We know farmers learn best from each other, and individualized consulting is an important complement to our workshops, field days, and online resources. Take it from these members in the Central Chapter!

Kate Mudge & Amy Freund, Ashby Minn.

“My wife and I made the move from city to farm in late 2020, swapping a 1/8 acre city lot for a 40-acre (previous) cattle farm in west central Minnesota. We knew we wanted to restore pastures to native prairie and introduce animals back onto our land, but with so many options, weren’t sure where to begin.

After attending a goat grazing farm tour hosted by SFA at a nearby farm, I learned about SFA’s consulting program and immediately signed up! Jonathan and Tyler spent hours with us walking the land, discussing soil health, windbreaks, what animals made the most sense for grazing options and answering all of our questions. After three hours I felt so much more confident in our plan and was armed with a number of resources for funding our project too!

For anyone who is looking for professional advice on how to improve the diversity of their operation and find profitability in restoring their land, SFA is an exceptional resource that we’re incredibly lucky to have here in Minnesota.”

Dayle Reinke, Cloverleaf Grass Farm, Wadena, Minn.

How to Give

Make a gift to SFA in support of farmers helping other farmers succeed! You can donate or renew your membership through the SFA website, or give through our Give to the Max page. All are eligible for the match. And if it isn’t a good time to give, you can always help us out by sharing this message and social media posts with your networks.