Cannon River OG
Welcome to the Cannon River Chapter
The SFA Cannon River Chapter encompasses sustainable farmers and like-minded consumers in the general area of Dodge, Goodhue, Steele, Rice, LeSueur, Dakota, and Scott Counties.
Information: or 1.844.922.5573 Ext. 706.
Become a Member
Renew or start your membership HERE.
Remember to select the 'Cannon River' chapter on the membership form.
Cannon River Mentorship Program
Our community is filled with knowledge that comes from years of experience, daily trial and error, and deep relationships among our peers. In the spirit of sharing knowledge between farmers and helping beginning and emerging farmers create strong farm businesses, the Cannon River chapter of SFA is proud to launch our first business-to-business mentorship program!
This 12 month program will connect individuals seeking advice, guidance, input, and community support from another individual within the seven counties served by Cannon River SFA (Dodge, Goodhue, Steele, Rice, LeSueur, Dakota, and Scott).
Who is this mentorship program for? Everyone! Maybe you're just getting started or you've had a thriving business for decades. One thing we all have in common is that we have questions, new ideas we want to pursue or maybe even a new product or certification we'd like to try out. We welcome any and all folks who are looking to deepen their roots, problem solve with another skilled member of our community, and grow their business in the process.
Learn more about the program and apply here:
Chapter's Statement on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The Cannon River chapter of the Sustainable Farming Association believes that the foundation of a thriving foodshed comes from approaching agriculture with a holistic, systemic view where all community members have autonomy to participate. It is clear that the systemic injustice within our food, land and agricultural systems disproportionately affect the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities. This is an injustice we need to address as both individuals and as an organization where clear, measurable objectives lead to lasting change within our 7 counties.
The Cannon River SFA board has put together a statement along with a set of goals and objectives to bring our statement to life. Read the full statement here.
Cannon Valley Grown
Cannon Valley Grown brings together farmers, makers, and producers to create a marketing initiative committed to values-driven business and thriving local economies.
Our aim is to put the rich soils and deep farming roots of Minnesota's Cannon River Valley on the map as we tell the stories of our delicious food and drinks, exceptional products, and the dedicated people who make them happen.
Visit the Cannon Valley Grown website today!
Chapter Leadership
- President: Theresa Bentz
Vice President: Derek Haars
Treasurer: Aaron Wills
Secretary: Gwen Anderson
SFA State Delegate: Lindsey Zemanek
Director: Christine Kimber
Director: Melissa Driscoll
- Maddy Bartsch, Community Connector
Chapter's Statement on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The Cannon River chapter of the Sustainable Farming Association believes that the foundation of a thriving foodshed comes from approaching agriculture with a holistic, systemic view where all community members have autonomy to participate. It is clear that the systemic injustice within our food, land and agricultural systems disproportionately affect the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities. This is an injustice we need to address as both individuals and as an organization where clear, measurable objectives lead to lasting change within our 7 counties.
The Cannon River SFA board has put together a statement along with a set of goals and objectives to bring our statement to life. Read the full statement here.
Cannon Valley Grown
Cannon Valley Grown brings together farmers, makers, and producers to create a marketing initiative committed to values-driven business and thriving local economies.
Our aim is to put the rich soils and deep farming roots of Minnesota's Cannon River Valley on the map as we tell the stories of our delicious food and drinks, exceptional products, and the dedicated people who make them happen.
Visit the Cannon Valley Grown website today!
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Cannon Valley Grown
Cannon Valley Grown brings together farmers, makers, and producers to create a marketing initiative committed to values-driven business and thriving local economies.
Our aim is to put the rich soils and deep farming roots of Minnesota's Cannon River Valley on the map as we tell the stories of our delicious food and drinks, exceptional products, and the dedicated people who make them happen.
Visit the Cannon Valley Grown website today!
Cannon River Events
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