Change is Good

Lucinda Winter

By Lucinda Winter Executive Director

One of the things I like about working at SFA is the number of informal conversations that we as staff have with our members, often through email and when returning voicemails. So it was no surprise that I heard from several members after we launched our online SFA Bulletin Board with suggestions on how it could be even better.

When we launched this new member benefit, the idea was that current members could list or browse each other’s offerings of resources and opportunities. Since then, some folks have suggested that the bulletin board would be a more useful marketing resource if any website visitor could view it, but only members could list on it. Why didn’t we think of that?

After a thumbs up from staff and some additional folks, we made it so. Now when you list on the bulletin board, your listing will be seen by any visitor to the SFA website, providing you with access to a much broader audience (and hopefully more takers).

In other news, we’re moving to a monthly publication schedule for CONNECT during the summer. Our Comms Director Katie Feterl has several special projects on deck for the next few months, and with any luck most of us will be outside and away from our computers as much as possible during the brief Minnesota summer. We’ll be sure to keep you updated on SFA activities during the upcoming event and festival season.

Before you go — like many of you, I love to read. Once in a while I come across something that I think might be of interest to you. Here’s a recent article that changed my way of thinking about animal welfare. From the April 23, 2024 issue of NYT Sunday Magazine: How Do We Know What Animals Are Really Feeling? Enjoy. 


  1. Douglas McEvers on June 27, 2024 at 12:50 pm


    Just following up on this.

    “When we launched this new member benefit, the idea was that current members could list or browse each other’s offerings of resources and opportunities. Since then, some folks have suggested that the bulletin board would be a more useful marketing resource if any website visitor could view it, but only members could list on it. Why didn’t we think of that?”

    I made this suggestion, who were the others?

    Thank you,

    Doug McEvers
    14442 200th St. S.
    Barnesville, MN 56514

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