DGA Update: Ag Water Certified Farms Show Higher Profits

A new study by the Minnesota State Agricultural Centers of Excellence shows that farmers enrolled in the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) had higher profits than non-certified farms. The MN Ag Water Quality Certification Program is a voluntary program for farmers and landowners that protects the state’s water resources by putting farmers in touch with local conservation district experts to identify and mitigate any risks their farm poses to water quality.

The “Influence of Intensified Environmental Practices on Farm Profitability” study examined financial and crop production information from farmers enrolled in the Minnesota State Farm Business Management education program. The 64 MAWQCP farms in the study saw 2020 profits that were an average of $40,000 or 18% higher (median of $11,000) than non-certified farms. The 2019 data showed an average of $19,000 or 20% in higher profits (median of $7,000) for certified producers. Other key financial metrics are also better for those enrolled in the MAWQCP, such as debt-to-asset ratios and operating expense ratios.

This program is a win-win for farmers and for the environment! I highly encourage you to take a look at getting certified.

If you have any questions about DGA or the MN Ag Water Quality program, you can contact me by phone or email: Angie Walter at 320-815-9293 or angie@sfa-mn.org.