“Silvopasture by Subtraction” On-Farm Demonstration

Apr 05, 2025 9:00AM—12:00PM


Dave Evans Farms 31019 361st Lane Le Sueur, MN 56058

Cost $0.00

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Join us at Dave Evans Farms, a working cattle operation, for an illuminating demonstration of silvopasture by subtraction. Dave will walk attendees through his process for opening up oak savannas overtaken by other trees. We’ll also have a seeding demonstration showcasing various application methods. Bryan Simon, a silvopasture specialist with SFA, and DNR forester Brett Anderson will be on hand to answer questions.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about silvopasture as a sustainable farming practice and network with experts in the field!


Dave Evans, Host

Bryan Simon, SFA Silvopasture Specialist

Brett Anderson, DNR Forester – Brush management cost share

Kristy Cowdin, Great River Greening Project Manager – Seed mixes and seed application

Registration: Advance registration requested, walkups welcome. It is free to participate.

Address: Dave Evans Farms – 31019 361st Lane LeSueur, MN 56058

Inherent Risks of Agritourism        Inherent Risks of Livestock Activity
SFA staff and volunteers occasionally take photos during our workshops, cafe chats and field days for promotional purposes and to use as documentation of events to share with our funders.  If you do not wish to be photographed, please let our event host know — we’ll make every effort to make sure you are not photographed.

Funding provided by the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources. This event is co-hosted with Great River Greening.