First Local Foods & Farmer Expo a Huge Success

The newest chapter of SFA has just held its first event: the Local Foods & Farmers Expo over Zoom in late March. It was a huge success despite the challenges of COVID. This event was conceived by the chapter organizing group as a way to raise awareness about local foods and expand markets for local foods producers. We achieved both of these goals and had a great time talking with folks interested in local foods.

The Expo had 15 farmer vendors in attendance that carried such a wide variety of products that during peak growing season a person could source nearly 100% of their groceries directly from their local farmers. Meat, eggs, dairy, veggies, honey, herbs and so much more were featured by our region’s farmers.

This event was picked up by several local media outlets including the New Ulm Journal, the Mankato Freepress, the KNUJ radio station, and even MPR news! We think that in and of itself is a huge success and helps to increase awareness about the awesome products our farmers raise. In addition to the earned media we also had over 15 sponsors including everything from local breweries to the University of Minnesota Extension.

The Minnesota River Chapter already has its eyes on our second annual Local Foods Expo to be held in winter 2022. We hope this event will be in person and think we will have an even stronger impact once we’re able to network and share in person.

To stay in the loop on the Minnesota River Chapter follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @MinnesotaRiverSFA.