Minnesota Garlic Festival
For more details, please visit our official website:
2025 Tickets on sale soon.
Scam Alert: there are scammers selling “tickets” to the Garlic Festival. If you did not purchase your ticket from the Sustainable Farming Association it’s not an official ticket.
Schedule-at-a-Glance, Festival Map and other features coming soon.
Below is information for Festival Sponsors, Vendors, Volunteers - anyone involved with the operation of the Garlic Festival.

Garlic Festival Operations Info:
2025 Vendor Applications are now available HERE.
Scam Alert: There are scams that claim to be selling vendor booth space for the Garlic Festival. Please be sure that the person you are corresponding with is Tarah Huston, Vendor Coordinator, and that any payments are made to SFA.
For more information on being a vendor, please contact:
Tarah Huston
Vendor Coordinator
If you're interested in selling fresh garlic bulbs at the 2024 festival, please see the information below:
Information for Featured Garlic Growers
If you would like to apply to be one of our 17 Featured Garlic Growers who sell fresh garlic, please read this information.
Only vendors who have been selected as Featured Garlic Growers may sell garlic bulbs at the festival.
Here are some basic requirements:
- The garlic bulbs you sell must be raised by you on your farm
- You must be a member of Sustainable Farming Association (SFA)
- You must complete the testing for Garlic Bloat Nematode and receive a negative result (see tab below)
- Have at least 1,200 bulbs available to sell on festival day
- You must complete a Vendor Application
- All featured garlic growers will submit at least one entry into the Garlic Growing Contest
Here are more details:
Garlic Vendor Policy (PDF)
2025 Sponsorship Applications coming soon.
At Minnesota's premier garlic event, sponsorship is a unique opportunity to get your organization's name and message to people across Minnesota!
Not only do over 4,000 of people attend this event annually, but many thousands more are exposed to the publicity and advertising that could include you and your organization.
Sponsorship opportunities are many and include both financial and in-kind contributions.
If you have questions or want to talk with someone about sponsoring the festival, please contact our sponsorship director Chris Kudrna at 320-202-1708 or chris@plumcreekgarlic.com.
Download the 2025 Sponsorship Flyer and Agreement Form here (coming soon):
- Sponsorship Flyer (PDF)
- Sponsor Agreement Form (PDF)
- Sponsor Agreement Form (Word)
- Rules (PDF)
- Entry Form (PDF)
- Garlic Tags (PDF)
For more information, click here.
Volunteer for MN Garlic Festival
We will be looking for volunteers on:
- August 8th, 2025, for set-up day
- August 9th, 2025, for the day-of
Not only do you get to work "backstage" with one of the coolest festival crews on the planet, but you also get free admission, special parking, free food and a staff t-shirt!
Here's how to sign up:
Volunteer signup coming soon.
Email our Volunteer Coordinator, Olivia Olson, for more information.