Minnesota River

Welcome to the Minnesota River Chapter

The Minnesota River Chapter of SFA encompasses sustainable farmers, producers and like-minded consumers in south central Minnesota. Our chapter is focused on strengthening the local food system in our region, improving the water quality of the Minnesota River and building a farmer network to share knowledge that furthers sustainable farming practices.

    • Call us at 844.922.5573 Ext. 721

Upcoming Events

Homestead Gardening & Seed Starting for Beginners Webinar

Thursday, March 13     6:00PM—7:30PM

You’ve seen the YouTube videos and listened to podcasts about living a simpler life and growing some, or more, of your own food. Perhaps you’re a loyal customer at the farmer’s market or a parent looking to show your kids where their food comes from.

Growing your own food is a lovely and beautiful thing, but ABILITY, TIME and SPACE make you worry how you could ever do it yourself.

Caroline Hegstrom of The Boreal Farm owns and operates a successful, diversified farming operation that features certified organic CSA shares, flowers and a farmstand near Lake Superior. Caroline is passionate about the homesteading movement and uses her knowledge and experience to help people to grow their own food, as well as build community. Recently, she started a business called Taiga Farm & Seed where she pairs gardeners with appropriate seed collections to maximize production, minimize mistakes and encourages you throughout the growing process ~ from seed to harvest.

This webinar will feature:

  • Starting from scratch: Easing into Homestead Gardening
  • Seed Starting and Troubleshooting 101
  • What can I grow in a Northern climate?

Registration: It is free to participate. Advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link.


Info: Mary Fischer, mary@sfa-mn.org

Note: SFA is excited to announce a new campaign featuring Homesteading in 2025. A mixture of Zoom Meetings, In-person events and podcasts will be hosted to build community and re-learn traditional methods that create independence and stability. Be sure to follow along.

Region Nine Growers’ Network: Climate Resilience and Agritourism

Thursday, April 17   5:30PM—7:30PM
Rescheduled form March 6    

The Wooden Spoon
515 N Riverfront Dr, Mankato, MN 56001

Climate Resilience and Agritourism: Hear from University of Minnesota Extension Educators on how Minnesota’s changing weather patterns are impacting farmers and how your farm can be proactive to reduce the impacts on your farm and customers.

The event will also feature a presentation from UMN Extension’s Agritourism Educator from St. Louis County.

A social hour will follow programming and will feature appetizers from 6:30 – 7:30.

Free event, no registration required.

Sowing Seeds Festival

Date and Location to be announced soon.

Together let’s plant the seeds of a more sustainable and resilient future!

A fun and memorable afternoon that is all about celebrating local foods and rediscovering traditional self-sufficiency skills.

Sowing Seeds Banner

Grant and Scholarship Opportunities

Here are a couple of opportunities for SFA Members:

Region Nine Conference Scholarships
Region Nine is offering conference scholarships to local sustainable farmers in the region that will reimburse you for the full cost of attending:

If interested, email Sabri Fair requesting a conference scholarship form.  Then complete the form and email it with your proof of registration/payment back to Sabri.

Region Nine can cover the cost of other conferences that may be more relevant to your farm, just ask before registering to make sure it is eligible.

Free Grant Support
Over the next 4 years Region Nine will have a staff member devoted to supporting a stronger local food system. An important part of their role is helping farmers and other food system stakeholders like grocers, schools, and meat processors secure additional funding to make access to locally grown and produced foods easier.

If you are interested in utilizing this support, please email Sabri Fair to schedule a conversation about your project goals. If you are looking for grant opportunities take a look at the Minnesota Department of Agriculture page to see what opportunities might interest you: https://www.mda.state.mn.us/funding

​Sowing Seeds Festival Coordinators and Volunteers Needed ASAP!

Here are a couple of Opportunities for SFA ​members​ and supporters:
At the recent annual meeting of the Minnesota River SFA Chapter one of the items that was discussed was the event that we have sponsored for the past two years, "Sowing Seeds: Celebrating Local Foods & Lost Skills".
We would like to host this event again this summer. In order to do so we need people to step up ​as coordinators and volunteer​s.
We are looking for 2-4 p​eople to help coordinate the event. We have set aside $2,000 to compensate the coordinators for their efforts.
We will also need volunteers on the day of the event with numerous tasks.
Please consider helping with this f​estival.

When you decide to help please email Don Hermanson or Sabri Fair.

Become a Member

Renew or start your membership below.
Be sure to select "Minnesota River" as your chapter on the membership form.

Chapter Leadership

    • President: Mary Fischer
    • Treasurer: Herman Bartsch
    • Secretary & Board Delegate: Sabri Fair