New Free Farm Succession Guide Available

A new guide, “Your Farmland and the Future: Setting Goals, Taking Action” will be available for free at many upcoming SFA events. The guide, full of tips from farmland owners and other experts, is also available to download at this link. Among the tips farmland owners share in the guide:

  • Write a Farm Legacy Letter to document where your farm has been and your hopes for its future
  • Join with other farmland owners to talk to and learn from each other
  • Start early in the legacy planning
  • Put together a good team to help you with the transition—the process is too complicated to go it alone

Also featured are experts such as Gary Hachfield, Extension Educator with the University of Minnesota and David Baker of the Beginning Farmer Center in Iowa. The guide was written by Teresa Opheim, Executive Director, Climate Land Leaders. It is available free through the generosity of Iowa-based Peoples Company.