Quick Cover Crops Guide and other New Soil Health Resources

A few new soil health resources for growers have been added to our website in the past few months, created by Conservation Connector Sarah Lindblom. The newest is a Quick Cover Crops Guide that can help you identify your needs in the context of the land you’re working with, and the cover crops that may best help you meet your goals.

If you would like to get better acquainted with your soil, you can do some simple tests at home to gain insight into soil structure and biological properties. See the Soil Health Toolkit for directions on how to do four soil health tests and then use the Soil Health Report Card to record the data and see your progress over time. You can even see each of these soil health tests demonstrated by Sarah in this video created by Mitch Kezar of Kezar Media.

Sarah, John Beaton, and Moses Momanyi are all farmers and Conservation Connectors. The Conservation Connections program links historically underserved farmers to conservation programs and resources within the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). Learn more about the program and how it may assist you here.