Pastured Pork Fact Sheet

Pastured Pigs

Click here to download a printable version of this fact sheet. Why Consider Pigs? Worldwide, pork is the most widely consumed meat. Pork is a highly efficient and cost-effective protein to produce. When compared with livestock such as cattle, pigs have a much shorter finishing time which allows your initial investment to be paid back much…

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Digging Deeper into Silvopasture

Digging Deeper into Silvopasture

Presenters discuss practically how to get started implementing Silvopasture on your farm, including planning design considerations, using EQIP, cost-share programs, and other funding opportunities.

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Dirt Rich Episode 10: Implementing Silvopasture

Dirt Rich

Jared Luhman and Tyler Carlson return to further discuss Silvopasture: “the intentional integration of trees, forage, and livestock into one intensively managed system.” Formerly a trope to “keep livestock out of the woods,” now farmers have the tools to properly manage their impact.  By intensively managing trees to optimize the growing environment for the forage…

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Dirt Rich Episode 17: Wintering Cattle Roundtable

Dirt Rich

Winter can be the most expensive time to own a cow in the Midwest. As the season changes, five of our staff who also raise beef and dairy cows gathered to share the ways that they’ve found to reduce the cost (and labor) of wintering cattle on their unique operations. All five live in different…

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Pastured Poultry Fact Sheet

Click here to download a printable version of this fact sheet. Why Pastured Poultry? Poultry raised on pasture offers a much better quality of life for both the birds and the farmer. The poultry can glean up to 20 percent (turkeys 30 percent) of its diet from a healthy pasture while directly depositing their manure back…

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