SFA Announces New Executive Director

The Board of Directors of the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota is pleased to announce that Lucinda Winter will be the organization’s next Executive Director.

Lucinda Winter

“Lucinda’s nonprofit leadership experience, well-honed networking skills, innate curiosity, and most importantly, her commitment to soil health, sustainable agriculture, and resilient Minnesota communities were the key qualities the search committee was looking for and found in Lucinda,” said Constance Carlson, State SFA Board of Directors President. “The Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota will be forever grateful for outgoing Executive Director Theresa Keaveny’s steady leadership and unwavering vision for expanding SFA’s role in Minnesota as a leader in soil health and sustainable farming practices. I’m eager to continue building on Theresa’s work and have every confidence Lucinda Winter will do so and much more in the coming years.”

Winter has twelve years of experience serving as Executive Director of the nonprofit Minnesota Film and TV, a public-private partnership charged with advancing Minnesota’s economy and enhancing its rich cultural heritage by attracting film, television, and commercial production to the state. Winter founded a consultancy for nonprofits in 2017, continuing her work in marketing, engagement, and development for Minnesota nonprofits, much of it in the form of digital storytelling. Through several recent sustainable agriculture video projects, she engaged with farmers, culinary professionals, researchers, and supply chain professionals and became interested in the work being done to encourage and support land stewardship and regenerative agriculture.

“Much of my work at Minnesota Film and TV centered on helping Minnesota film, TV and documentary makers connect and learn from each other through networking and mentoring.” Winter said. “I championed their projects and promoted the state of Minnesota as a vibrant marketplace, connecting talented production professionals with potential buyers and distributors around the world. I look forward to applying those skills and experiences to leading SFA and its members toward a future of increased economic resilience, stronger and more diverse communities, and wider adoption of sustainable agriculture practices.”

Winter began her work with SFA this week. “I’m grateful that the SFA board crafted a transition plan that includes plenty of time for current Executive Director Theresa Keaveny to provide me with a thorough grounding in current operations, funding, key relationships and strategic vision,” Winter said. Retiring Executive Director Keaveny will take the lead in onboarding Winter to ensure a smooth transition. Keaveny will depart her position on October 26th.

In recent years, SFA has launched several new state-wide projects and partnerships, including specialty crop programs for garlic with the University of Minnesota Extension, a Silvopasture & Agroforestry Project, “Soil Health for Fruit & Vegetable Growers” field days and support for emerging farmers, and a podcast series, Dirt Rich. Now able to return in-person field days and workshops following state health guidance this year, the organization looks forward to again hosting the SFA Annual Conference in St. Joseph and Midwest Soil Health Summit in Elk River in early 2022.

“I’m fortunate to be taking on this new role at a time when SFA is financially sound, with a high-performing staff, a supportive board, and engaged and motivated chapters,” Winter said. “My focus in the coming months will be getting out to meet chapter members and SFA partners. I look forward to experiencing first-hand the important work SFA is doing across Minnesota.”

Winter lives with her husband in Edina. She is a current board member of the animal welfare nonprofit Pet Haven of Minnesota.