Posts Tagged ‘prairie’
Beyond Your Backyard: Prairie Conferences
By Megan Benage The last week of June was the North American Prairie Conference in Altoona, Iowa. The conference kicked off with a trip to the Hayden Prairie Preserve. We learned that Hayden prairie is one of the largest Iowa remnants outside of the Loess Hills. It is a beautiful prairie filled with life and…
Read MoreBeyond Your Backyard: Bison bison, an ode to a modern day mammoth
By Megan Benage I promised a three-part series and a three part-series ode to nature is what I intend to stand by. This series features raps about things in nature I find exciting, awe-inspiring, and frankly, worth rapping about. Part 2 could only highlight one of nature’s largest land mammals, the bison. (If you missed…
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