“Virtual Roundtables” are a Great Place to Learn

Did you know that if you are a Mentor or Apprentice in the Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship program that you have access to our monthly webinars called Virtual Roundtables? The webinars are on the first Monday of each month at 11:30 and last for one hour. Each month has a new topic to learn about. The webinars are structured to have someone who has experience with the topic give a presentation and then it is opened up to questions or comments from others who may have experienced something similar. I learn something every month during the webinars, usually from other farmers like myself. If you are busy and miss a webinar, you can go back to your DGA account and find recordings of all of them under “Virtual Roundtables.”

The next Virtual Roundtable will be on November 1st. The topic is “Options for raising calves Part 1: The Madre Method”. This is a 2-part series with the other one taking place in December on the topic of nurse cows. If you have webinar topic suggestions or ideas, contact Altfrid@dga-national.org. If your topic is selected, you will receive a free hat!

If you are interested in becoming a Mentor Grazier or Apprentice in our program or know someone who would be, please contact me: Angie Walter at 320-815-9293 or angie@sfa-mn.org.