East Central Chapter Annual Meeting

Feb 23, 2025 2:00PM—6:30PM


Split Rocks Entertainment Center 5063 273rd St, Wyoming, MN 55092

Cost $0-$35

Event Contact Yvonne Baller | Email

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The East Central Chapter invites all to attend their annual meeting! Following appetizers and some business, we will enjoy a screening of “Roots So Deep (You Can See the Devil Down There). You don’t have to be a chapter member to join us. Come, meet members and learn about SFA while enjoying the screening of Roots So Deep.

“Roots So Deep” is a 4-part documentary series all about inventive farmers and maverick scientists building a path to solving climate change with hooves, heart and soil. It is guided by director and wrangler of scientists, Peter Byck, as he meets farmers on both sides of the fence – the folks practicing an adaptive way to graze, and their neighbors set in their family’s generations-old method of doing things. Byck’s team of outcast scientists are measuring what’s happening on both sides of the fences – exploring if this adaptive grazing could help slow down climate change. (https://rootssodeep.org/info)


2:00pm – 2:45 registration and mingle, grab appetizers
2:45pm – 3:15 Business portion of the meeting
3:15pm – 3:30 Break and get movie ready
3:30pm – 5:30 Watch Roots So Deep
5:30pm – 6:30 open discussion and adjourn

Appetizers & Beverages

• Assorted Vegetable Tray with ranch dressing
• Assorted Domestic Cheese and Crackers,
• Teriyaki Meatballs (pork and beef),
• BBQ Chicken Wings
• Meat Tray: Ham, turkey, salami and roast beef served with rolls
• Tortilla Chips with Salsa.
• Popcorn
• Coffee and Soda


Advance registration is required. No walkups.

The event is free for East Central Chapter Members. Be sure to log in first to see member pricing.
Non-members of East Central chapter are welcome and encouraged to attend, and may register for $35 per person.

SFA staff and volunteers occasionally take photos during our workshops, cafe chats and field days for promotional purposes and to use as documentation of events to share with our funders.  If you do not wish to be photographed, please let our event host know — we’ll make every effort to make sure you are not photographed.

Refunds for cancellations can be requested up to 48 hours prior to the event.