Bounty and Blooms: Cut Flower Tour

Cut flowers can be a diversifying crop for fruit and vegetable growers, adding an income stream in the form of bouquets and arrangements. And in the case of R. Roots Garden, even edible flowers!

On Monday, August 12 from 5:30-7:30 PM, the Twin Cities Metro Growers Network will enjoy an evening at Queen Frye’s North Minneapolis farm. Queen will share how she has integrated edible flowers into her urban farm through an AGRI Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant. She’ll also share what she learned in the process, and her vision going forward.

The event will also feature:

  • Free Community small plates crafted by HEAL Mpls
  • Culinary demonstration by Chef Kenji
  • University of Minnesota Student Organic Farm flower bouquet displays and highlights from cut-flower research project*
  • Original poetry by Queen

It is free to attend! Advance registration appreciated, walkups welcome. Learn more and register here.

* Bounty and Blooms: Integration of Cut Flowers in Urban Vegetable Farms is funded by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant (2024).

Six people smile for a selfie, outdoors at R. Roots Garden. They are wearing overalls, hats, and other gardening attire.
Photo courtesy of Queen Frye (front left)

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