Bounty and Blooms: Cut Flower Tour
Aug 12, 2024 5:30PM—7:30PM
R. Roots Garden - 2131 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411
Cost $0.00
Event Contact Lia Spaniolo | Email
Categories Field Day & On-Farm, General Networking & Education, Networking Group Event
Topics cut flowers, Fruit & Veg, General, urban ag

Cut flowers can be a diversifying crop for fruit and vegetable growers, adding an income stream in the form of bouquets and arrangements. And in the case of R. Roots Garden, even edible flowers!
Queen Frye will show us how she has integrated edible flowers into her urban farm through an AGRI Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant. She’ll also share what she learned in the process, and her vision going forward.
Free Community small plates crafted by HEAL Mpls
Culinary demonstration by Chef Kenji
University of Minnesota Student Organic Farm flower bouquet displays and highlights from cut-flower research project*
Original poetry by Queen
Registration: It is free to attend. Registration requested, walkups welcome. Limited seating available, please bring a folding chair if needed.
Address: 2131 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411
This event is hosted by the Twin Cities Metro Growers Network, a collaboration between University of Minnesota Extension and SFA.
* Bounty and Blooms: Integration of Cut Flowers in Urban Vegetable Farms is funded by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant (2024).
SFA staff and volunteers occasionally take photos during our workshops, cafe chats and field days for promotional purposes and to use as documentation of events to share with our funders. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let our event host know — we’ll make every effort to make sure you are not photographed.