From the Executive Director: Our Strength is in Our Staff

In the two months since I joined the SFA staff as incoming Executive Director, I’ve taken every opportunity I can to attend field days, workshops, chapter meetings and events. One of my top priorities is to observe and understand the work we do alongside our partners and get to know some members. The events I’ve been to have been well attended, with a wide variety of growers, producers and sustainable ag advocates who’ve come together to learn, ask questions and exchange ideas — and to enjoy locally grown food. There’s been a real sense of joy in being able to gather again in person and be on the land together.

Now that I’ve had a chance to observe our team of consultants, connectors and staff in action, I’m beginning to understand SFA’s strength. What I’ve seen is a highly committed and extremely knowledgeable group of farmers and ranchers with a real passion for regenerative practices and for mentoring other farmers who want to adopt those practices on their own farms. As a new member myself, I’m feeling really good about the depth of experience in soil health, agroforestry, adaptive grazing and silvopasture represented by members of our staff. These people are available to help you address challenges you may be facing in adopting regenerative practices on your farm. I hope you reach out to them for a consult, or attend a workshop or field day as we all begin to feel free to move about the state again.

Conservation Connector Sarah Lindblom demonstrates an inexpensive soil health test during a Climate Land Leaders workshop at Sharing our Roots Farm in September.

I’m looking forward to meeting many of you in the months ahead.  I plan to be in conversation with Chapter leadership, with our state Board of Directors and with you to share ideas about ways we can increase the value of your membership in the coming year. If you’d like to reach out to me directly, my email is