From the Executive Director: A New Website in the New Year

My first full year at SFA sped by in a blur of meeting members, attending events and forging relationships with our partners, allies and funders.  It was also the year we decided to take on the challenge of designing and a new SFA website, a team effort led by Laura Borgendale, with assistance from Katie…

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We met our match! Thank you!

We are so grateful to the nearly 60 donors who made a gift to SFA during our Give to the Max campaign this month. We not only met our $5,000 match, but as we tally all of the donations, membership renewals and checks that are coming in, we’re rounding the bend on our $15,000 goal.…

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From the Executive Director: A Climate Hero, Farm Kid

In honor of Earth Day, I thought I’d share an article from the New Yorker magazine written in 2009.  “The Climate Expert Who Delivered News No One Wanted To Hear” is a profile of James Hansen, a NASA scientist who created one of the world’s first climate models, nicknamed Model Zero, 43 years ago. Hansen grew up in…

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From the Executive Director: Back in a Big Way

The month of March has been action-packed for SFA, and a great start to our 2022 programming year. Our Midwest Soil Health Summit at Oliver Kelley Farm was well attended and featured a solid line-up of practical soil health education specifically tailored for fruit and vegetable growers on day one, and crop and livestock farmers…

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From the Executive Director: Celebrating World Soil Health

World Soil Day has been observed annually on December 5th since 2014, when the United Nations General Assembly designated that date as the official first. Every year since, this annual observation has been designed to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources. Reading stories…

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From the Executive Director: Our Strength is in Our Staff

In the two months since I joined the SFA staff as incoming Executive Director, I’ve taken every opportunity I can to attend field days, workshops, chapter meetings and events. One of my top priorities is to observe and understand the work we do alongside our partners and get to know some members. The events I’ve…

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Greetings from a Very New Executive Director

Lucinda Winter and Julie Allen (Lake Superior Chapter) at the 2021 Harvest Festival Today marks one week since I started in my role as your new executive director, and what a week it’s been!  I’ve begun getting to know SFA staff and partners, and have spent lots of time both virtually and in person with…

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