Dirt Rich Episode 36: Growing Grazing Dairy Farmers

Dirt Rich

Angie Walter, the SFA/DGA Central Minnesota Education Coordinator, and her husband Nate run an organic dairy in Central Minnesota, and are also masters in the Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship program. Today’s episode features them in conversation with their first apprentice, Ryan Heinen, who now manages a dairy in Waukesha, Wisconsin. His passion for ecology and restoration led him to farming and to grass-based dairy, and DGA helped him build a solid foundation to take on a new endeavor.

The Walters and Ryan share their experiences in the DGA program from both the master and apprentice perspectives–it was a positive and valuable learning experience for all.

Angie highlights the value of networking events, such as pasture walks, to dairy farmers of all experience levels.

Listen here: https://dirtrichmn.podbean.com/e/36-a-gr-farmer-a-dairy-farmer/