Lake Superior

Welcome to the Lake Superior Chapter

The Lake Superior Sustainable Farming Association is a coalition of producers and consumers moving farm practices and food systems into a sustainable future. We encompass northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin. Information: or 1.844.922.5573 Ext. 709.

Chapter Coordinator: Julie Allen

Mailing address: Box 161317, Duluth, MN 55816

Find us on Facebook


Upcoming Events

Emergency First Aid for the Farm

Saturday, April 5, 2025    10:00AM—1:00PM

Cromwell-Wright Fire Hall
5592 Hwy 210, Cromwell, MN 55726

Cromwell-Wright Fire and Ambulance will be covering emergency medical care for accidents on the farm, and what you should do until help arrives.

This will be a hands-on event so wear comfortable clothing and footwear.

This is not an official course offering a certificate, just hands-on learning that might allow you to save a limb or a life!

Registration: Pre-registration is requested. Walkups welcome.

Info: LSSFA Board members Pete Boyechko: 218-390-5564 and Michelle Boyechko: 218-590-7807.

IMG_8499 - Julie allen
Harvest Fest logo 2025

Harvest Festival

September 6, 2025   10 AM - 4 PM

Bayfront Festival Park, Duluth

A family-oriented event featuring a huge farmers market, live music all day, renewable Energy Fair, nonprofit exhibitors tent, educational demonstrations and much more!

Become a Member

Renew or start your membership below.
All SFA membership donations are fully tax-deductible.
Be sure to select "Lake Superior Chapter" on the membership form.

Lake Superior Soup


- Planting, Cooking & Eating -

Featuring recipes, cooking tips, and information about our local food system.

Superior Grown

Superior Grown is a directory of sustainable farming enterprises located in the 16-county region of Northeast MN and Northwest WI, blessed with a rich agricultural heritage and many unique, sustainable farms. Across the Lake Superior region, free-range chickens, diversified vegetables, pick-your-own berries, maple syrup operations, grass-fed beef, artisan cheeses, smoked Lake Superior fish and other farm enterprises dot the rural landscape.

Superior Grown recognizes this bounty and is working to reconnect people with the region's dedicated farmers. By connecting regional consumers, businesses and farmers, Superior Grown promotes a regional food system that nurtures vibrant communities, provides quality, nutritious food to citizens and strengthens local economies.


Farmers' Markets

Please submit farmers market info to

Visit to find specific locally produced goods.

Visit ArrowheadGrown for their list of markets.

Chapter Leadership

    • Chair: Mehgan Blair
    • Vice Chair: Joel Rosen
    • Secretary: Emily Richey
    • Treasurer: Kyle Cook
    • Chapter Delegate: Caroline Hegstrom
    • Chapter Manager: Julie Allen:


    • Jadell Cavallin
    • Michelle Boyechko
    • Pete Boyechko
    • Kayla Pridemore
    • Kyle Hildebrant
    • Emily Beaton
    • Dennis Thielke
    • Cameron Gustafson
    • Peter Taylor